"Red Ginger drink instant Production by Ibu Hany Sulaeman (Home Made) from Bogor - Jawa Barat - Indonesia"

Kamis, 29 Maret 2012

All ABOUT RED GINGER (in English)

Red ginger (Zingiber officinale Roxb. Var Rubra.) Or Zingiberaceae officinale Roscoe or Zingiberaceae officinale Rose is a herbal plant annuals in the form of erect

Property of Red Ginger :
  • As an ingredient of traditional medicine, red ginger  was chosen because it provides a sense of bitter and spicy ginger is higher than other types of property that would add even more than other types of ginger. That's why it is especially suitable to be used as the basis of pharmaceutical and medicinal.
  • Red ginger rhizome size is small compared to most other types of ginger, red, and contain essential oils that consist of high-zingeberin, kamfena, lemonin, zingiberen, zingiberal, gingeral, and shogool. Other contents are resin oil, starch, organic acids, malic acid, aksolat acid, and gingerin.
  • Red Ginger is known as a potent laxative, antirheumatic, laxative and colds. Efficacy is generally warm our body, appetite enhancer, as well as preventing and treating colds. Because of this influence people quickly feel fit and heightened sexual arousal immediately.
  • In addition, it is also useful to overcome laryngitis (bronchitis), back pain, impotence, improve stamina, relieve asthma, treat headaches, muscle pain, premature ejaculation, and the tonsils.
  • Red Ginger is widely used in traditional Chinese medicine. It is said that it was Yang Medicine and it’s very supportive for the spleen, abdominal / stomach and kidneys (especially for men and also classified as an aphrodisiac / stimulant substance and a good treatment for impotence).
  • In Arab medicine, red ginger is known as Hot in the second degree and Moist in the first degree. It warms and soften stomach, it is also useful for the body to digestive problems like bloating, food poisoning, and constipation.
  • Red Ginger plays an important role in Western medicine as Eastern medicine (China, Japan and India) It can be used alone or as an ingredient in herbal recipe and also used as a "healing correction" to the unwanted effects of other plants. It has been proved in recent research that  red ginger has unique content that can help other medicine become a better treatment received and absorbed by the body.
Opinions of experts : 

Although red ginger has never been studied in the treatment of asthma, according to DR. Suwijiyo Pramono-fitofarmaka experts from Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, said that the possibility of feeling warm because the content of essential oils that causes a sense of relief for asthma sufferers.
"Basically, the red ginger does not contain substances that are Bronco Spasmolyticca (agent reliever airways). Another possibility on the ginger effect of antihistamines that cause asthma subsided, "said doctoral graduate of the University of Phytochemicals Toulouse, in France.
However, for people with asthma and ulcer should avoid consuming red ginger. "Because the gingerly can make the heat and irritation for stomach," said the lecturer at the Faculty of Pharmacy UGM.

Some of the healing properties of red ginger is mentioned by various web site, those are :

  • Migraines, dizziness, blood circulation, improve digestion, abdominal bloating, flatulence break, rheumatism and sore pains, colds, and influenza.
  • Natural Viagra stimulates breast milk, encourage the production of lymph, keeping the immune system, prevent sterility and strengthen the endurance of sperm. Farnese elements contained in this plant are also able to prevent the aging process as it stimulates skin cell regeneration.
  • So many properties and benefits of this red ginger, so now many outstanding products that contain extracts of red ginger, either in the form of instant powder (sachet form), lemon water, ginger syrup, candy, and so forth. It is easy for you to consume them instantly without bothering to process it themselves.
Take care of our body's health by re-taking natural herbs and traditional. 
Regards a healthy life

1 komentar:

  1. I'm sure that it will be amazing consuming this Red Ginger everyday for our body's health,,
    kapan-kapan mau nyoba ah bu Red Ginger nya,, ^_^

    _Mahmud, Tangerang
